
Friday, 22 March 2019


W.A.L.T: Thinking back to Tuesday session

  What sports were you presenting?
We are presenting touch rugby, we told them how to do
our own game and explained what we have to do.

What modification did your group make, and why
  • Need to rip two rippers two be a handover.
  • Seven a side = 14 players
  • If the player with ball touched two times then its a handover.
  • You are not allowed a forward pass.
  • Not allowed to tackle.
    What went well?
We played 2 type of game the first one is our game riper touch,
 the second one is netball they show us how to play the game.

What would you change?
I what to change how people what to play the whole game and
others can't play the game.

What were the differences between your first and second sessions?
We are new to the game so we can't play that well, but at the second time
we learn how to ply the game.

Reflection : am I a Leader ? why not?
I Help the group when they need me 

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Plan for CIP

W.A.L.T:we are planing to do a art with rubbish

our group decided to put animals to our hornby community,the other group is planing to bake for the Charity for those who have mental health.

we re planing to make kiwi bird so it represent the New Zealand.

kiwi bird is the national bird of new Zealand.

we are doing thise because we are making our community clean and less rubbish, so making our school a better place for others will come in HHS.

Image result for kiwi bird

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Movie Magic

Walt: I can explain a variety of camera angles used to make a movie.

Camera angles

  • close up 
  • over the shoulder 
  • long shot 
  • extreme close up 
  • zoom out 
Close up; is close to the people who will film the movie.
over the shoulder;the over the shoulder is a person in the movie is in there shoulder showing, and the guy filming the movies
long shot;long shot is in far away in the person or this pic

Image result for long shot

extreme close up; the extreme close up is the close scene in the movie like the face or this Flowers

Image result for extreme close up
zoom out ; there are different type of zoom out one of them is zoom in, but zoom out is making the page little and zoom in is the page is bigger. 

Monday, 11 March 2019

Movie Magic Rapunzel with a twist

WALT:I can write  narrative using correct structure

Last Three weeks we started making movie.

our movie is Rapunzel with a twist, first week we started making the script,
This week we are started filming video

Flynn: “Rapunzel!  Rapunzel! let down your hair”
Rapunzel: “Ok mother”
Narrator: “ Rapunzel  lets down her hair”
Narrator:“ Flynn pulls her hair and Rapunzel falls down the tower”
Narrator: “ Flynn kidnaps Rapunzel and puts her in a sack
Narrator: ten minutes later
Gothel:  “Rapunzel let down your hair
Narrator: “Rapunzel is gone”
Gothel: “Rapunzel where are you, Rapunzel?”
Narrator: “Rapunzel has been kidnapped! Mother Gothel tries to find a way to enter the tower to look for Rapunzel but she can’t find any way to enter”
Gothel: “Rapunzel!! I’m not playing!”

Gothel: come out right now!!!”
Narrator: As Mother Gothel looks down, she sees a golden piece of hair on the grass.
Narrator: Mother Gothel digs a hole and finds a key. She looks for a trap door and she uses the key to unlock the door. She goes down the trap door and up the hidden stairs. When she gets inside of the tower, she tries to find Rapunzel, but Rapunzel is nowhere to be seen.
Narrator: Mother Gothel starts to worry
about Rapunzel. She leaves her basket on the ground and starts to look for Rapunzel in the forest.
Gothel: Rapunzel… Where are you? Are you ok?
Rapunzel: (whispering) MOTHER!!! Help me! I'm dying!

Narrator: Khyle
Editor: Faye
Rapunzel: Qyn
Flynn: JV
Gothel: Janel

Image result for rapunzel all characters

Friday, 8 March 2019

DMC Maths

This morning the we solve a math and teaching us how to do it. 
the math teacher is in our room, she tech our teacher how can we solve the mathematical problem
and how to make us better at math.

every one have there own grope and try to solve they give us,
we learn how to work with other you never work before. 
Image result for dmic maths problems

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

hornby high school community

Explain what community you have joined? I joined Hornby high school community because I what to help the school for even better place.

Explain Why this group is your passion? This is my passion to help other and our community and taking rubbish.

Explain one idea is your interested in?Im interested at picking rubbish around school, so our school is good for our environment,and to be clean. 

How do you think  you will achieve this idea? I believe that I will achieve my goal for this term and for help of my group.